2017-05-14 21:32:00


14th May 2017 - DAY 6

1. A boat trip to Radman's Mills

2. Workshop: Radman's Mills

3. Workshop: "Zeleni izlet" Association "Sunce"

4. Workshop: Preparing the traditional bread

5. THEME EVENING: Let's do it "klapa" way

6. Self-evaluation

1. A boat trip to Radman's Mills

The 6th day of the visit started with the boat trip to Radman's Mills, the participants were very excited.

For more larger photos click here.

2. Workshop: Radman's Mills

The participants have heard some of the facts about the family Radman and about the heritage of the Radman's Mills.

For more larger photos click here.

3. Workshop: "Zeleni izlet" Association "Sunce"

Thanks to the Association "Sunce" the participants have learned something about the flora and fauna of the Radman's Mills

For more larger photos click here.


4. Workshop: Preparing the traditional bread

The participants have seeen how to prepare the traditional bread for which the Radman's Mills are the most popular. At one moment it got really hot.  

For more larger photos click here.

5. THEME EVENING: Let's do it "klapa" way

The participants listened to real "klapa" singing on the square in Omiš, and visited the museum of the Festival of Dalmatian klapa singing.

6. Self-evaluation

The participants made the evaluation of the 6th day of their visit. 

Osnovna škola Josip Pupačić Omiš